Netherlands PSBN Market Consultation

PSBN Analysis: Netherlands NOOVA RFI

Marktconsultatie Nieuwe Openbare Orde en Veiligheidsarchitectuur (NOOVA)

On 08 December 2022, the Netherlands Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid published a request for information from potential suppliers of a national Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN). The document is an excellent example of a requirements investigation for a national voice and data network serving public safety users.

We analyze the approach taken and consider missing elements that limit the scope of the RFI. Our analysis and the English translation of the base document can be useful tools for other national agencies in the early stages of planning for a future PSBN. Ecosystem suppliers, as well, will find the RFI a useful gauge to evaluate network operator strategy. For the convenience of interested parties, we include an unofficial translation based on Google Translate.

The RFI closes on 13 February 2022. The official market consultation document is at the CTMSOLUTION site.

To purchase the analysis and translated text, click here