Told in Their Own Words: Mesh Rider Radio from Doodle Labs

Demonstrated at: #IWCE23

Team communications in areas with limited or no LTE coverage is a challenge. The ability to coordinate between and within teams is an essential requirement for wildland fire fighting, disaster response, and more. At IWCE 2023, vendors brought solutions for sustaining team communications when wide area coverage is spotty.

Doodle Labs showed its new Mesh Rider Radio, which provides Mobile Adhoc Networking Technology (MANET), allowing each unit to discover and connect in a mesh topology. The end user's Wi-Fi devices can then attach to the Wi-Fi bubble hosted by each node. If any end users are in the range of LTE or a satellite access point, the Internet connectivity automatically extends across the mesh.

These capabilities provide a foundation for the sustained operation of TAK software that supplies users and incident commanders with a common operating picture. As the value of TAK continues to grow, so will the need to extend coverage with mesh solutions.

Thanks to Doodle Lab's Amol Parikh for the demonstration of how his company's MANET offer provides benefits in challenging radio environments.